Facility Policy

Facility Policy

Ottawa YMCA Policies

The YMCA is a weapons free zone. Patrons with a legal concealed carry license are not allowed to enter the facility with a firearm. Firearms, knives, weapons, or any concealed items that could be used as a weapon are not allowed.

All handicapped and no parking spots are clearly marked. Anyone parking in these spots without a valid reason will be towed at the owner’s expense.

The YMCA is a smoke, tobacco, alcohol, electronic cigarette, and vaping-free zone.

The YMCA is not responsible or liable for articles lost, damaged, or stolen.

Food and drinks, except water, are not allowed in the locker rooms, gym, pool, or activity areas. No glass bottles of water are allowed in these areas.

The YMCA does not provide accident insurance for members, program participants or guests. Each person participates at his/her own risk.

The selling of goods and services is strictly prohibited on YMCA property or program locations.

There is no dunking on the YMCA basketball hoops.

The use of powder-mixed drinks of any kind is prohibited in all areas of the facility.

Convicted Sex Offender Policies

The YMCA conducts instant sex offender screening on all members, participants, and guests when you join. If a sex offender match occurs, the YMCA will immediately cancel membership, end program participation, and remove visitation access.

Any individual affected by this policy shall have the right to appeal this decision to the Ottawa YMCA Executive Committee within 60 days of applying for a membership, program, or guest pass. This decision of the Executive Board is Final. Applicants are prohibited from entering the YMCA while the appeal is pending.

Membership Policies

All new members over 18 must present a valid form of ID, have their picture taken, and sign off on our sex offender policy. Any child under age 18 must have a parent/guardian come in and fill out and sign membership form and waivers. The form will not be sent home with a parent.

The YMCA does NOT issue any type of membership refund.

Any balance due at the time of termination must be paid before membership is canceled.

Membership status changes must take place by the 10th of each month. Status changes/cancellations will not be accepted until all paperwork is complete.

The YMCA will debit any returned NSF account a $30 fee. The YMCA will send payment through a second time to collect this membership payment. After the 3rd attempt, it will be sent to a collections agency.

Any bank draft membership not fulfilling the initial 6-month commitment is subject to a $50 cancellation fee.

YMCA members and guests will receive the WIFI password at no cost.

To receive member rates for programs, your membership must be current throughout the entire program session. If membership is terminated during the session, additional program participant rates must be paid for the remainder of classes.

Guest Pass Policy

The YMCA reserves the right to refuse any guest at any time as the YMCA is a member-based organization.

Guests 18 years and over must present a valid form of ID and have their picture entered into the system before entering the facility.

Guest passes give people access to the building for one full day. There is a limit of six guest passes that may be purchased in a calendar year. At the point those are all used we ask that the person join as a member.

Guests will be subject to sex offender screening.

Guests must be 14 years of age or older to access the facility without an adult. All youth under age 18 must have a parent/guardian come to the YMCA and complete a guest form to enter the facility. No forms will be sent home for parents to sign.

Cardio & Weight Room Policies

After completion of the Blue Card Training children 12 – 13 years old may use the weight rooms and cardio room accompanied by a parent or guardian. This is a free program for members.

For safety reasons children 11 years old and younger are not permitted in the cardio and weight rooms.

No cell phone use: i.e., playing games on a phone, taking pictures in the mirrors, taking calls while sitting on machines.

No loitering on exercise equipment.

The use of chalk as a grip assist while lifting is prohibited.

Youth Policies

Children 11 years old and younger must always have an adult in the building.

Children 13 years old and younger must leave the building at 7pm on weeknights unless supervised by a parent or legal guardian.

Youth members 14 and older can access the entire facility without an adult.

Youth members 12 and 13 years old who do not have Blue Card Training will only have access to the basketball gyms without an adult, no other areas of the facility.

Child Watch Policies

Child Watch is for ages 6 weeks to 9 years old.

While children are in Child Watch, Parents/Guardians may not leave the property.

Parents/Guardians must sign in/out children and leave a cell phone number as well as who is allowed to pick up the child(ren) with the YMCA Staff.

Children that are visibly sick will not be permitted into Child Watch.

Locker Room Policies

All locks must be removed nightly. Lockers are available for rent, $5 small, and $10 large per month.

Children ages 6 and above of the opposite sex, are not allowed in each respective locker room.

It is mandatory that patrons dry off in the dry off area and not in the locker room area.

Anyone caught defacing anything in the locker rooms will be prosecuted.

Swimming Pool Policies

Children 13 years old and younger need to have an adult (at least 18 years old) in the pool area.

Children 13 years old and younger must exit the pool by 7pm Monday – Friday.

Obey the lifeguard at all times, the lifeguard has final authority.

Non swimmers must be accompanied by an adult (at least 18 years old) in the water.

A deep water test may be requested at the lifeguard’s discretion.

All swimmers must shower before entering the pool.

Children who are not toilet trained must wear swim diapers.

No band-aids or open sores.

No running, pushing, or dunking.

No rough or dangerous play.

No back dives or flips off the sides. Dives are permitted in designated area only.

Foul language will not be tolerated.

No Food, drink or gum is allowed in the pool or locker areas.

Stay off the ropes and lanes.

Water exercise dumbbells are for class instruction and lap swim use only.

Diving blocks, kick boards, pull buoys and fins are for swim team/private lesson use only.

Group Exercise Policies

Unless approved by the instructor, spectators are not allowed to watch group exercise classes.

Instructors reserve the right to ask any spectators to leave the area at any time.

Shoes worn outside must be changed prior to participating in group exercise.

To participate you must be 16 years or older. 12-15 year olds may come if accompanied by an adult and only if there is room in the class.

Behavior Policies

The YMCA is a no profanity zone. Patrons caught using profanity will be first warned and then be asked to leave the facility.

Patrons who verbally or physically attack staff members or other patrons will be asked to leave, police escort if needed, and criminal charges will be filed.

The YMCA reserves the right to suspend or expel patrons from using the facility for any reason deemed fit. Any member may appeal against this decision to the YMCA Executive Board within 30 days of the incident. The decision of the Executive Board is final. Individuals on guest passes do not have the right to appeal the YMCA staff decision.

Cell Phones and Electronic Devices

Cell phones and electronic devices are strictly prohibited from photography use in restrooms, locker rooms, group exercise rooms, weight rooms, and cardio rooms. Electronic devices used for music are allowed with headphones.

If you must utilize a cell phone, please be courteous and keep your phone on vibrate or silent. If a call must be answered, please do so discreetly and move to a hallway or lobby to complete the call.

In an effort to protect the privacy of our members and guests, anyone who violates this policy will be asked to move to the lobby or designated area. If a member or guest continues to violate this policy their privileges and/or membership may be revoked.

Attire Policies

Shirts, shorts/pants, and athletic shoes are required during exercise in the workout areas and gym areas (except for shirts during basketball games in the Gym). Shoes must be worn in all common areas such as hallways, bathrooms, locker rooms, lobby, etc.

No slip-on shoes of any kind will be allowed in the weight rooms and cardio rooms

i.e., hey dudes, crocs, sandals, etc.

All clothing must be worn appropriately, if any clothing is deemed offensive to members or staff, you may be asked to change.

To decrease the chance of spreading Staph bacteria clothing needs to cover the torso so the skin is not in contact with any equipment. Sports bras, ripped, torn or sides cut from shirts are not appropriate clothing.

Miscellaneous Policies

For Financial assistance, a patron must fill out the appropriate paperwork provided at the Service Desk, which includes a membership application and a reduced fees application. Applicants must also provide proof of their current income through a previous bank statement, social security paperwork, or a pay stub and the previous year’s tax return. Applications will not be reviewed until all paperwork is provided.

If a patron is involved in an incident or is injured, a report must be filled out by a YMCA staff member. Reports will be faxed to the YMCA’s insurance company within 24 hours and incidents may be reported to the Ottawa Police Department.

The Y loves to donate back to our community. Those looking for a donation should fill out and return a donation request form located on our webpage at least 2 weeks prior to the scheduled event. The YMCA does NOT give cash donations.

Program Policies

There are NO refunds for YMCA programs. Medical exceptions can be made at The Y’s discretion.

If a child turns the minimum age for a program during the program session, the child may register for that program.

Transgender Policies

We offer all individuals the use of the facility spaces, including locker rooms, that align with that individual’s gender identity.

The Ottawa YMCA is an inclusive organization open to all. We welcome all people regardless of ability, age, cultural background, ethnicity, faith, gender, gender identity, ideology, income, national origin, race or sexual orientation.


We welcome your suggestions. Please feel free to contact us by calling 815-433-2395